wainuiomartian: 1884 All True
wainuiomartian: Whale fishing
wainuiomartian: Icebergs
wainuiomartian: Wailing Place at Jerusalem
wainuiomartian: Bethlehem
wainuiomartian: The call to prayer
wainuiomartian: Livingstone and Stanley receiving newspapers in Central Africa
wainuiomartian: The Alcazar, Seville
wainuiomartian: Courtyard, British Consulate, Larnaca
wainuiomartian: Cameron crossing the Luwati on a fallen tree trunk
wainuiomartian: A lame day
wainuiomartian: Japanese nobleman
wainuiomartian: City and harbour of Kobe, Japan
wainuiomartian: Scene on the Ganges
wainuiomartian: A "claim" in California
wainuiomartian: grass valley diggings
wainuiomartian: Indians of the Rio Colorado
wainuiomartian: Gardens of the Emperor of Japan at Yeddo
wainuiomartian: Japanese tea gardens
wainuiomartian: A policeman of Yeddo
wainuiomartian: Khartoum on the Blue Nile
wainuiomartian: Drinks vendor
wainuiomartian: Japanese mother and child
wainuiomartian: Cathedral, Florence
wainuiomartian: Edinburgh Old Town
wainuiomartian: Trestle bridge on the Pacific Railway
wainuiomartian: On the temple steps, Benares
wainuiomartian: Buddhist temple, Japan
wainuiomartian: On duty - foul weather
wainuiomartian: Going to drill