Esther17: on the pier
JKönig: passing the pipe
lifeinthedistrict: abandoned house near jewell oregon
mjmourik: 1 HP
Esther17: dreams of rust and wire
JKönig: beetlejuice
relapsed nun: masai mara
JKönig: guten morgen
ajayshrao: Outside Jogyesa temple
Trey Ratcliff: The Grotto
wacky doodler: silent scream
shawnwall: low rod Moss Rocks
JKönig: lean on me
Angela Layana: The Waffle House...a must visit
Barry Yanowitz: Taken from the Manhattan Bridge
Josh Cordner: Tupac Lane
judester1213: nice braids
stoneth: on the road
junku: DSC_4619
sheeshoo: st-elmo-tel
Benrut: Innocent when you dream
fotoattack: pssssst! Yeah you... come here.
jekrub: duffy in sky
Dabbler: tree sweater
Valpopando: Ergastolo...