Vusutor: Route 66, from the ground.
Vusutor: Irish Light
Vusutor: Fog... my friend.
Vusutor: §/ I R U
Vusutor: Et mes fesses, tu les aimes mes fesses ?
Vusutor: Un jour, les puits de pétrole aussi seront reconvertis en attraction touristique...
Vusutor: I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.
Vusutor: roumanie-119
Vusutor: Everybody should have some pigs in the car, just in case !
Vusutor: I let you guess the story for this one...
Vusutor: Gut blower - Pig Day
Vusutor: Gypsy Kid
Vusutor: Autoportrait pas repassé
Vusutor: People of London
Vusutor: People/Birds of London
Vusutor: People of London
Vusutor: People of London
Vusutor: People of London
Vusutor: People of london (1)
Vusutor: Beautiful day in the sun
Vusutor: ...
Vusutor: ...
Vusutor: Beautiful freak
Vusutor: I'd like to take a one year nap in the sun.
Vusutor: How many ugly dwarfs do you see on this picture ?
Vusutor: After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Vusutor: Les fantômes de Dour / Dour's Ghosts
Vusutor: The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts