julie r.: Cold day at CMI. #deportfascists #supportrefugees
julie r.: Big crowd for a small town! They exactly expected a few hundred and estimated this at 5000!
julie r.: Five thousand or more marching in C-U!
julie r.: On this day five years ago. 💔
julie r.: Cold weather games in the basement! Circle the suitcase and stretch the Ticky!
julie r.: Ok fine you but when is Our Favorite Person coming home?
julie r.: My face when I'm about to bark at you. 😙
julie r.: Ticker started 2017 off with his favorite activity: chasing a lab chasing a ball! 🎾 🐕🍤💨
julie r.: Happy new year! (Tim asked me not to post the re-enactment pic of him and the champagne bottle.)
julie r.: Farewell 2016. Not the best year, that's for sure, with so much loss and being *losers* and all...but I found a few good moments. (These might also be the only pictures of me except for training and trial videos!)
julie r.: A picture of my shoes?! Why I'd never. But I love my #allbirds so much! And real surprise perfect gift since all I did was say "ooh these look cool" over a picture in the Air New Zealand in flight mag! I had no idea he actually listens to me on planes!
julie r.: I was just checking to see if it was another present for me!
julie r.: Ho ho hum.
julie r.: Oh dear, looks like Favor started and finished celebrating already!
julie r.: Thanks @droolpetsitting for the amazingly yummy cookies from Lucky Pierre. They are mine all mine! -- Favor.
julie r.: Fascinated by the things my husband's students give him. (All grad students!) Pen for scale. No idea what creature this is but I think it resides (reality? myth?) in Singapore.
julie r.: What did you bring us?!! We took off from Auckland at 8 pm Monday and arrived in Chicago (via Vancouver) at 8 pm Monday! Magic!
julie r.: Last full day in NZ was a full on tourist experience as part of the conference group: a ferry ride out to Waiheke, drive round a bit, tastings and dinner at a winery, and then a missed ferry and hanging near midnight with some mallards on the wharf. :boat
julie r.: So many beautiful boats, from Maori crafts to around-the-world racing boats and cute little training sailboats like this at the maritime museum in Auckland.
julie r.: Nerdy packing pride. Everything I brought for two weeks in NZ (apart from my sneakers, rain coat, and a few toiletries) fits in the little carry on day pack! No checked luggage for the whole trip! And I even added a merino shirt with wool from the farm st
julie r.: Bryde's whale on a boat ride out of Auckland! 🐳 We saw 7 or 8 of them close up, including some mommas with calves.
julie r.: My tail feathers blowing in the wind!
julie r.: We are staying in this rehabbed shearers cabin on a sheep station with 10,000 sheep, spread out over a lot of land overlooking Lake Hawea.
julie r.: Hiked a couple miles up behind our cabin on Lake Hawea Station. Sheep, birds, wild roses, and incredible views.
julie r.: Our home for the next three days. Expect more sheep pictures.
julie r.: Devil's punch bowl...
julie r.: Coming down from Arthur's Pass.
julie r.: Our little friend at Flock Hill.