Vt_Sanguine: A Tranquil Morning
Vt_Sanguine: Marooned
Vt_Sanguine: One fiery evening
Vt_Sanguine: The Will to Live
Vt_Sanguine: Hills on Flames
Vt_Sanguine: At the feet of the Giants
Vt_Sanguine: Colossus
Vt_Sanguine: Northern Shoveler Flypast
Vt_Sanguine: Juvenile Black Crowned Heron
Vt_Sanguine: Eared Grebe
Vt_Sanguine: Snowy Egret
Vt_Sanguine: Snowy Egret in flight
Vt_Sanguine: Great Egret in flight
Vt_Sanguine: Snowy Egret taking off
Vt_Sanguine: Preening Male Northern Shoveler
Vt_Sanguine: Brown Pelican Portrait
Vt_Sanguine: Rock Formations of Djupalon Beach
Vt_Sanguine: Dilapidated Beauty
Vt_Sanguine: Icelandic Horses
Vt_Sanguine: Thaw Pattern
Vt_Sanguine: Iceberg with Vatnajokull icefields in the background
Vt_Sanguine: Ocean in motion
Vt_Sanguine: When the falls light up
Vt_Sanguine: Behind the Scene
Vt_Sanguine: Vestrahorn on an overcast day
Vt_Sanguine: Stranded
Vt_Sanguine: Music is Divinity
Vt_Sanguine: Skutafoss
Vt_Sanguine: House of Divine
Vt_Sanguine: Come at Me!!