Rolf Typke: Caught by a shower of snow pellets (Leica Elmarit-R 2.8/28) Pano
holdinghausenm: Sonnenaufgang am Wörthsee
Flowerikka B: Evening mood in January
Flowerikka B: Nebelgestalten
holdinghausenm: Winteridylle am Kochelsee
Flowerikka B: Winter mood
Karsten Höhne: Winterlandschaft im Moor
Rolf Typke: Walking Wonderland (Leica Elmarit-R 2.8/28 v1)
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *A bit of winter at Neuschwanstein Castle*
wdterp: Day's End
Rolf Typke: Stone Cold Beauty (Canon FD 2.0/24)
wdterp: LeConte Creek
Rolf Typke: Moonrise in the Afterglow (Voigtlaender APO Lanthar 4/180)
wdterp: Horse Barn
Woewwesch: Mill view
*arantza: The Palm House
wdterp: Iowa Country Sunrise
Flowerikka B: Winter silence in the forest
Rolf Typke: Fire on ice (OM Zuiko 2/28) Panorama
wdterp: The Bur Oak
natuerlichschweden: Småland - Am Stensjön
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *sunrise in the fog on the outskirts of town*
natuerlichschweden: Småland - Winter am Stensjön
Rolf Typke: Frozen (Micro Nikkor AI 3.5/55) Panorama
wdterp: The Old Shed and the Tree
Woewwesch: deceptively warm tones