Voff Uggla (AFK): Happy-Halloween-3
Voff Uggla (AFK): Happy-Halloween-2
Voff Uggla (AFK): Happy-Halloween
Voff Uggla (AFK): Dancing in Second Life 2013
Voff Uggla (AFK): Isochronic Bliss
Voff Uggla (AFK): Current Profile Picture
Voff Uggla (AFK): STAND 4 LOVE
Voff Uggla (AFK): New-Profile-Pic-06-30-11
Voff Uggla (AFK): Strong & Protective
Voff Uggla (AFK): Vulnerable
Voff Uggla (AFK): Love hurts - HB
Voff Uggla (AFK): Love hurts - FB
Voff Uggla (AFK): Snapshot - HB
Voff Uggla (AFK): ☠ The Dark Year - 2011 ☠
Voff Uggla (AFK): ☠ The Dark Year - 2011 ☠
Voff Uggla (AFK): ~ Rest In Peace - My beloved birds ~
Voff Uggla (AFK): My feamle cockatiel
Voff Uggla (AFK): My male cockatiel
Voff Uggla (AFK): Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
Voff Uggla (AFK): Valentine 2011
Voff Uggla (AFK): GGLR & DJ: Vida Liotta
Voff Uggla (AFK): GGLR Tattoo Contest
Voff Uggla (AFK): Jeans & Boots
Voff Uggla (AFK): New Profile Picture
Voff Uggla (AFK): EVANE - GOLD IN THE NIGHT - DEC 24 2010
Voff Uggla (AFK): ♛ MISS VIRTUAL TRASH 2010 ♛