vmarinelli: Adding forest-moss locks to my pointy ears to round out my Elf Lady look. #elf #elfears
vmarinelli: Current status: GETTING MY MATERNAL BRAG ON. 😍
vmarinelli: Finally, Tod Streater with our one roommate (in the household known as The Dreary Biscuit) whose name completely escapes me now, but who lived in the garage and with whom I probably argued about postmodernism. Photo likely 1990 or '91, would love to know
vmarinelli: Another of Tod Streater, ca. '90, with a woman with whom I would love to swap Tod stories, if only I had the first idea who she is. Don't remember where I found this photo either, but it was apparently for a queer film festival. (Seattle or Olympia?)
vmarinelli: On #worldaidsday, remembering the brilliant, acerbic, and hilarious Tod Streater, a cofounder with me and others of Olympia's first LGBTQ Pride March,in 1991. He died in October 1994, the same week I got pregnant with @maria.rva. I like to think they said
vmarinelli: Wearing my plainest black clothes each workday since the election. But hey, green reading glasses! Today, I am practically fancy.
vmarinelli: Sundays are for green tea and Quaker Meeting and on the way home, saying hello to the neighborhood goats.
vmarinelli: Hauls ass through hours of driving rain so I can see the Pacific Ocean on my birthday; wheels me around every corner of the aquarium, so I don't have to chose between missing half the exhibits and not ruining my SI joint for days:
vmarinelli: Was it worth several minutes in the driving rain for this guy to give me one decent, albeit blurry shot? You otter know it! (I'm so sorry.)
vmarinelli: Starfish are such badasses. Lose a huge chunk of your body? It's cool man, just grow another! #regeneration
vmarinelli: Anemone that looks like a dandelion!
vmarinelli: HALP, my boyfriend is in the jaws of shark!
vmarinelli: Hello, I am a Giant Green Anemone! #nofilter
vmarinelli: If you're looking for legal weed on a rainy Thanksgiving, West Salem Cannabis has got you covered. (Also, its proprietors would like you to know that everything is on sale.) #roadtrip #oregon #thanksgiving #openonthanksgiving #weed #godbless #myamerica
vmarinelli: New year, new birthday shirt from my love. (I never ask where he finds these. Anyway, he's magical.) Happy birthday to me! #lifebeginsat46
vmarinelli: "Hey, your mom sent you something from Amazon!" "How do you know it's from my mom?" "Who else would address it to Victoria Sweetlittle Marinelli?" "Good point."
vmarinelli: In a few hours, this shirt will be a lie.
vmarinelli: "Has the future already happened?" asks this poster at Powell's. (Afraid so, Mr. Orwell. I'm truly afraid so.) #books #georgeorwell #election2016
vmarinelli: Current status: preparing for a 4-year wake.
vmarinelli: Because the Suffragettes wore all white with—I am told—accents of purple and gold, I am similarly dressed,* with bonus Medusa necklace (just happens to have purple and gold beads!), with which to ward off xenophobic serial sexual harassers, among other ev
vmarinelli: I was writing him a love letter when he walked in with all this ❤️ #anniversary #threeyears #andcounting
vmarinelli: DAMN RIGHT, I'M WITH HER. (And also the nation's first openly bisexual governor Kate Brown, Democrats in general, Measure 97, etc.) #hillaryclinton #imwithher #katebrown #oregon #yeson97 #feminism #lgbtq #bisexual #nastywomen #democrats
vmarinelli: You guys, this is as cosplay as I get (wonder woman socks) (with their own little capes!). #cosplay #wonderwoman #socks
vmarinelli: I am enormously fond of this weird little game store.
vmarinelli: How much do I love this guy? So much.
vmarinelli: Well on my way to restoring my former "wall of hair," behind which to hide in awkward social situations as well as during scary scenes in movies. Also, I have noticed that in Instagram as in life, there are no neck wattle-canceling filters, so I guess I
vmarinelli: Off we go for an Oregon adventure. (Hot springs, maybe? Wherever the road takes us.)
vmarinelli: This place brings out my Happy.
vmarinelli: Found the one park with no swimming allowed. Guess what we did?
vmarinelli: Hawaii license plate!