gruntzooki: Space Shuttle Endeavor 3, California Science Center, Los Angeles, California, USA
gruntzooki: Space Shuttle Endeavor 2, California Science Center, Los Angeles, California, USA
~/z3a: SPAM. Proyecto de martinez-zea en el Museo efímero del olvido. Salón regional de artistas.
JMF_: no Pão de Azucar
JMF_: Treasure hunter
JMF_: Off the bridge
plantadetodoclima: catalina_lopez
JMF_: Simplify your checkout ... !
Ed Yourdon: The family car - New York(?), summer 1950
Ed Yourdon: Mar 16, 2015 - sunrise on the beach, 13
~/z3a: testing
JMF_: Night runner
JMF_: Hello !!
JMF_: Hang on !
karthik Nature photography: Carpenter Bee In Flight
JMF_: na Cidade de Deus / City of God
JMF_: street corner
karthik Nature photography: Carpenter Bee In Flight