naturalflow: IMAG2531
naturalflow: phloxes already drooping
naturalflow: IMAG2395_1_1
naturalflow: Roman bridge
naturalflow: bringinit home! before the snow flies we brought in 3 loads of real nice lumber, and we made a secure cover from our ply pile for that purpose!
naturalflow: batten the hatches
naturalflow: IMAG1337
naturalflow: birds have been here
naturalflow: funktop dec6
naturalflow: snow disappearing fast
naturalflow: still snow on the garden
naturalflow: we salvage lumber here, snow or shine!
naturalflow: fresh snow on kale survivors
naturalflow: happy winter celebrations,
naturalflow: IMAG1295
naturalflow: chilly deer in alpenglow
naturalflow: noaasatnov 26
naturalflow: snow all over SW canada
naturalflow: like a diamond
naturalflow: another bucket upended
naturalflow: ice and sun
naturalflow: more iceblock macros
naturalflow: IMAG1218
naturalflow: kale collard cross survived minus 10 C
naturalflow: winter surprises
naturalflow: IMAG1196
naturalflow: IMAG1187
naturalflow: IMAG1181
naturalflow: more pear foliage
naturalflow: peartree makes last stand