vixentu: McDonalds strikes again, lazy bastards.
vixentu: 1st week
vixentu: Chessie
vixentu: screenshot_252
vixentu: Deck planter
vixentu: Fall garden
vixentu: Boots in teh garden
vixentu: 05/28/2011
vixentu: Snowmonkey!
vixentu: New porch, overlooking the compost piles
vixentu: New porch looking toward deck
vixentu: Compost piles, neatly stacked
vixentu: Autumn Joy
vixentu: New construction, view from ramp
vixentu: Fresh Blueberry Pie
vixentu: Ms Robin in the fig tree
vixentu: A hummingbird at my feeders
vixentu: Finally!
vixentu: Hot Mango echinacea
vixentu: White Swan echinacea
vixentu: Daylilly
vixentu: Lauren's sunflower
vixentu: Monardia
vixentu: Lemon Daddy Hydrangia
vixentu: Another Daylilly
vixentu: Bat 1
vixentu: bat 2
vixentu: Scarlet Taniger
vixentu: Not the best focus, but the best I could get...
vixentu: Jay