vivek mine: PB092826
vivek mine: P4271591
vivek mine: North chennai thermal power station, Ennore, chennai, Tamilnadu
vivek mine: 30 December 2012. In 2012 there was a deadliest cyclone hits Tamilnadu. The estimation of damage was at least $56.7 million (2012 USD). I couldn't stand over there when i click this moment. The wind speed was above 100 km/h. Now i'm happy to share this :)
vivek mine: wonderful evening with my friend..!
vivek mine: Beautiful..!!
vivek mine: P4241443ff
vivek mine: P4141315ff
vivek mine: P317008
vivek mine: PA280012
vivek mine: PC240412
vivek mine: PA291834
vivek mine: PC24041er1
vivek mine: 20131001_17023f5ffdff
vivek mine: PC23s0363s
vivek mine: Statue
vivek mine: P1042642
vivek mine: PC092564
vivek mine: $RLTFDFAdF
vivek mine: PA291835
vivek mine: PB012084