Viv.....: Beautiful Anthurium in our garden
Viv.....: Beautiful Anthuriums in our garden
Viv.....: Lovely unusual maroon Anthurium
Viv.....: Striking Anthurium bloom in our garden
Viv.....: Lovely Anthuriums galore at our garden
Viv.....: Striking Anthurium bloom at our garden on a sunny spring morning. Almost all of the green Anthurium leaf nears transformation to a red bract/spathe at our garden. Interesting work of nature - only certain leaves become spathes
Viv.....: At dawn on sunny spring day, a green Anthurium leaf nears transforming to a red bract/spathe at our garden. Interesting work of nature - only certain leaves become bracts/spathes, the one at the back is a flower while the one at the front is likely a leaf
Viv.....: On a sunny autumn evening, striking Anthurium blooms at our garden. All parts of the plant are poisonous. If ingested, may cause mild stomach disorders.