Trey Ratcliff: Shanghai Skyline
alexcalver: Pipe Bridge, Sawley
Gaston Maqueda: Milky Way - Banff NP - Canada
conflexstudios: Gobble Gobble IV
pdxsafariguy: Elusive Color
eduhhz: Praia do Preá - Jeri
HeinzDS: Nightlife Dublin
HeinzDS: donau danube
HeinzDS: sunflower TWO
the-photon-trap: moonah trees
Josep M.Torrents: Gonepteryx cleopatra & Agapanthus (Explore)
Yaco1959: Els plans d'Almenar
dustaway: Myocum, Montecollum and Koonyum Range
Mawrter: Osprey with fish
Lakes4life: White Letter Hairstreaks 2 Chicksands Jul 2018
Ook Pik: Cold and Warm
China (Jiangsu Taizhou): Red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) 红嘴相思鸟 hóng zuǐ xiāng sī niǎo
miguel.capitola: DSC_1961_DxO
Kovacik Mario: DSC02498
fusky: Broken Dreams
Iván Ferrero: El viejo Palomar
FPL_2015: Vivid Sydney 2018
SabineLacombe: FlickrFriday - Classique (Classic)
J. LR: Sunset au Cap Fréhel
J. LR: Goðafoss, Islande