virtuallydave: the moon is bright tonight
virtuallydave: spring breaks
virtuallydave: favourite tree
virtuallydave: melbourne
virtuallydave: Too late?
virtuallydave: ambrosian delight
virtuallydave: cityline
virtuallydave: flowers in the sun
virtuallydave: Unhappy frog
virtuallydave: New view
virtuallydave: A swan's life
virtuallydave: fledgling potential
virtuallydave: bad day at the office
virtuallydave: balancing act
virtuallydave: wet wet wet
virtuallydave: slow lane
virtuallydave: it's a secret
virtuallydave: it begins...
virtuallydave: feeding time
virtuallydave: tastes like chicken
virtuallydave: 512 pixels
virtuallydave: forgot my keyboard
virtuallydave: full circle