hjohnson11: Gutted, east of Amarillo
Lynn Loomis: Open Space off --Coors, Albuquerque - Tribute to Sand Hill Crane Migration
lady_elsinore: 1.8% Illuminated Crescent Moon with Venus
myriorama: crab spider
Barry M Schwartz: At the Center of Mesa del Sol
nonochampion: Let there be more light
hjohnson11: Over the Edge
Max Hendel: 11062016-IMG_S6992
Max Hendel: IMG_M6887
hjohnson11: Blue Hour
Barry M Schwartz: Whirling dervish
Lynn Loomis: Fifties were fabulous _
Sea Moon: Bugger Off!
Max Hendel: IMG_M1241
klondike kid: johnson city, texas
eliankowa: #14 Cloud
angelberries (Kerry): Testors Dullcote - NO!
JuneHee: The Beauty of Music
Vesuviano - Nicola De Pisapia: St. Louis - The Arch
portlvr: Fire Weed
Kenny Maths: Go Ahead...Jump!
Rene Watson: Heaven on Earth [Big Sur, CA]
Ambrispuri: 27-Katxas.
Celso Sponholz: ESCADA COM LUZES
suhaime hassim: Beautiful Evening
Leo Teles: Nantes
Celso Sponholz: A FAZENDA 2