Virgin Galactic: Close up of SS2 during successful rocket-powered flight
Virgin Galactic: SS2 flies supersonic for the first time
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson & Forger aka Mark Stucky congratulate eachother after the success of Virgin Galactic's first rocket-powered flight
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson & Burt Rutan share an emotional moment
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson and daughter, Holly, look through the window of a SpaceShipTwo shell being used to develop comfortable, sexy and safe cabins for our spaceships. Soon, they'll view the Earth from space through windows like these
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson and the Scaled Composites team pose in front of SpaceShipTwo, after Richard got to see for himself the great progress being made installing rocket motor and tanks in preparation for powered flight
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson and the hard-working rock stars of rocket science who built SpaceShipTwo and WhiteKnightTwo
Virgin Galactic: WhiteKnightTwo during her 100th test flight. Photo by Scott Glaser
Virgin Galactic: WhiteKnightTwo during her 100th test flight. Photo by Scott Glaser
Virgin Galactic: WhiteKnightTwo during her 100th test flight. Photo by Scott Glaser
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson with LauncherOne model and SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic- Farnborough Air Show
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Steve Isakowitz. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson, George Whitesides, Stephen Attenborough and Steve Isakowitz. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: George Whitesides, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Attenborough and Steve Isakowitz. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic CEO and President George Whitesides. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic- Farnborough Air Show
Virgin Galactic: Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Steve Isakowitz. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic CEO and President George Whitesides. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Sir Richard Branson. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic Commercial Director Stephen Attenborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic Team Member Louella, Tony and Louise. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Virgin Galactic Farnborough Press Event Tent. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: SpaceShipTwo Replica at Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers
Virgin Galactic: Galactic Express Train took excited Galactic Guests to Farnborough. Photo by Mark Chivers