Andrew Mitchell_Unseen Universe: Leptomantella sp - Feeding on Drosophila melanogaster
Dis da fi we: Katydid - Tettigoniidae
Donald Jusa: Square-Headed Wasp | Ectemnius sp. (Dahlbom, 1845)
Kurt ( Ricaniid hopper IMG_8759 copy
Toats Master: P1130237
Donald Jusa: Short-Horned Grasshopper
Donald Jusa: The Portrait of Velvet Ant
Andrew Mitchell_Unseen Universe: Miomantis Binotata (Pinstripe Mantis) (2nd instar)
RealNoi's Macrophotography: Epocilla calcarata
RealNoi's Macrophotography: Phidippus Regius Male with Helmet
Andrew Mitchell_Unseen Universe: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii (Spiny Flower Mantis) (5th instar)
Donald Jusa: asleep
Donald Jusa: Stilt Bug (Metacanthus multispinus)
Joose SF: Libellula depressa ♀
Pattes0815: Federlibelle Weibchen , Damselfly
Felicity&Dougall: Commmmming!
tidoutidette: quel est le nom de cette chenille svp ?
Pattes0815: Listspinne Pisaura mirabilis
Pattes0815: Kürbisspinne Araniella cucurbitina
Pattes0815: gemeine Kreuzspinne ,Babys
Pattes0815: gemeine Kreuzspinne , Babys
Pattes0815: Krabbenspinne Xysticus erraticus männchen?
lincerosso: Inesorabile (busy): Ready to jump
Toats Master: Red Lacewing