Petr Hykš: What a surprise! Nice porifera fossil exposed in a stone block
Petr Hykš: Large Cribrospongia sp. (Porifera) fossil
Petr Hykš: Porifera fossil
Petr Hykš: Possibly the first belemnite phragmocone fossil found in Hády quarry
Petr Hykš: Interesting taphonomy of an ammonite (?) shell fossil revealing its internal anatomy, mainly septa (chambers) & septa walls (sutures)
Petr Hykš: Calcified crinoid stem
Petr Hykš: Unidentified Bivalvia fossil
Petr Hykš: Irregularia indet.
Petr Hykš: ?Craticularia sp.
Petr Hykš: Cnemidiastrum cf. rimulosum (seen from above and from below)
Petr Hykš: ?Craticularia sp. + Porifera indet.
Petr Hykš: ?Pseudodiadematidae gen. sp. (oral view)
Petr Hykš: ?Pseudodiadematidae gen. sp. (oral & aboral view)
Petr Hykš: ?Pseudodiadematidae gen. sp. (aboral & oral view)
Petr Hykš: Irregularia indet. (aboral & oral view)
Petr Hykš: Rhabdocidaris sp. spine & Terebratulid brachiopod
Petr Hykš: Lammellaptychus sp.
Petr Hykš: Pycnodontiformes indet.
Petr Hykš: Possible Asteracanthus? sp. tooth
Petr Hykš: Spumellaria gen. indet. (Radiolaria)
Petr Hykš: Ammonite with visible sutures (as found)
Petr Hykš: Phylloceras sp.