Petr Hykš:
Venus transits the Pleiades
Petr Hykš:
Silver Sliver Galaxy (NGC 891) and Abell 347
Petr Hykš:
Silver Sliver Galaxy (NGC 891) and Abell 347 (annotated)
Petr Hykš:
Red aurora with streaks
Petr Hykš:
Alps on the other side of the Vienna Basin
Petr Hykš:
Blue rim!
Petr Hykš:
The green rim
Petr Hykš:
Earth shadow and Venus belt
Petr Hykš:
Moták pochop (Circus aeruginosus)
Petr Hykš:
Rákosník proužkovaný (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
Petr Hykš:
Rákosník proužkovaný (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
Petr Hykš:
Volavka popelavá (Ardea cinerea)
Petr Hykš:
Alps from Brno-Hády (panorama)
Petr Hykš:
Schneeberg from Děvín (137 km)
Petr Hykš:
Sponge biostrome
Petr Hykš:
167 km distant Schneeberg and other Alpine peaks
Petr Hykš:
167 km distant Schneeberg and other Alpine peaks
Petr Hykš:
Schneeberg and other alpine peaks seen from Strážovice (panorama)
Petr Hykš:
Fullmoonrise #2
Petr Hykš:
Fullmoonrise #1
Petr Hykš:
Micromoon rising above similarly shaped horizon (composite)
Petr Hykš:
Intensive supernumeraries
Petr Hykš:
Violet sunset caused by volcanoes
Petr Hykš:
Not too distant lightning (composite)
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Saranče uherská (Acrida ungarica)
Petr Hykš:
Perseids 2023 with startrails
Petr Hykš:
Tiny crescent Moon
Petr Hykš: