Petr Hykš:
Jurassic silicite from Žabčice in Masaryk university fossil collection
Petr Hykš:
Ostrea? sp.
Petr Hykš:
Rhynchonellida gen. sp. brachiopod imprints & crinoid stems imprints
Petr Hykš:
Rhynchonellida gen. sp. brachiopod
Petr Hykš:
Paracidaris sp. sea urchin spine
Petr Hykš:
Crinoid stem imprint
Petr Hykš:
Peltoceratoides impression in Jurassic chert
Petr Hykš:
Silicified coral pebble (wet to highlight the structure)
Petr Hykš:
Echinoidea fossil in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Echinoidea spine fossil in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Echinoidea spine fossil in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Brachiopod fossil in a baltic rock (micro-capture, 30x)
Petr Hykš:
Brachiopod fossils in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Brachiopod fossils in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Unidentified fossil in a baltic rock
Petr Hykš:
Echinoidea spine fossil in a baltic chert
Petr Hykš:
Sea urchin spine fossil imprint in chert
Petr Hykš:
Perisphinctid ammonite