Petr Hykš: Ždánice observatory (historical photo)
Petr Hykš: Ždánice observatory (historical photo)
Petr Hykš: The Ždánice observatory (history)
Petr Hykš: Spring is there
Petr Hykš: The day we observed lunar eclipse with public
Petr Hykš: Partial lunar eclipse at moonrise
Petr Hykš: ISS flare (panorama)
Petr Hykš: ISS flare (panorama)
Petr Hykš: Moon imaging
Petr Hykš: 86 minutes
Petr Hykš: Seminář SMPH (Společnost pro meziplanetární hmotu)
Petr Hykš: April 21st, 2018
Petr Hykš: Night sky observing with public (time-lapse)
Petr Hykš: Observing
Petr Hykš: Ždánice observatory & planetarium
Petr Hykš: Startrails above Ždánice observatory
Petr Hykš: Ždánice observatory, historical photo
Petr Hykš: Geminids startrails (without Geminids)
Petr Hykš: Lunar crescent projection
Petr Hykš: PF 2021 (photomanupulation)
Petr Hykš: Newtonian telescope
Petr Hykš: Sunny day
Petr Hykš: Ultra-wide shot
Petr Hykš: First April day
Petr Hykš: Milky way from Ždánice
Petr Hykš: Perseids 2021 with startrails
Petr Hykš: Perseids 2021
Petr Hykš: December
Petr Hykš: Winter moonrise on 45° azimuth
Petr Hykš: Intense noctilucent clouds display (panorama)