Petr Hykš: Oolitic limestone
Petr Hykš: Brachiopod fossil in chert
Petr Hykš: Conglomerate, compacted sediment
Petr Hykš: Chlamys sp. & ichnofossils in jurassic, biodetritic limestone
Petr Hykš: Bohemiella romingeri brachiopod limestone
Petr Hykš: Crinoid limestone
Petr Hykš: Banded chert
Petr Hykš: Sea urchin spine fossil imprint in chert
Petr Hykš: Fossil gastropod in travertine
Petr Hykš: Crinoid limestone
Petr Hykš: Greywacke with intraclasts
Petr Hykš: Fossil-rich layers in a sedimentary rock
Petr Hykš: Mrazový hrnec
Petr Hykš: Crinoid limestone (detail)
Petr Hykš: Orthoceras limestone
Petr Hykš: Breccia
Petr Hykš: Ophiomorpha isp.
Petr Hykš: Oolitic limestone (micro-capture, 200x)
Petr Hykš: Oolitic limestone (micro-capture, 30x)
Petr Hykš: Oolitic limestone
Petr Hykš: Festoon cross bedding (unannotated)
Petr Hykš: Festoon cross bedding (annotated)
Petr Hykš: Festoon cross bedding (unannotated)
Petr Hykš: Festoon cross bedding (annotated)
Petr Hykš: Festoon cross bedding, discordance
Petr Hykš: Sponge biostrome
Petr Hykš: Sandstone spheroidal weathering
Petr Hykš: Grains of sand
Petr Hykš: The day we explored the Moravian Karst
Petr Hykš: Amphipora & rugose coral cross-sections