Petr Hykš:
Earth shadow and Venus belt
Petr Hykš:
Cumulus mediocris
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Mesospheric sunrise
Petr Hykš:
Cumulus fractus radiatus fluctus sunset
Petr Hykš:
Noctilucent clouds less then 30 minutes after sunset!
Petr Hykš:
Zodiacal light, April 2024
Petr Hykš:
Blue hour
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Iridescent sunset
Petr Hykš:
Sunset mirror #MyHeartWillGoOn
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Golden hour
Petr Hykš:
Golden Hour
Petr Hykš:
Violet sunset caused by volcanoes
Petr Hykš:
Night storm
Petr Hykš:
Some red, lots of blue and some of the brightest stars (panorama)
Petr Hykš:
Like a sunset, but with stars. Light pollution is a world problem. #ForcedPerspective #WorldProblems
Petr Hykš:
First aurora
Petr Hykš:
The Eath's shadow, the Venus belt and the rising Moon
Petr Hykš:
Kunkovice windmill
Petr Hykš:
Street photo
Petr Hykš:
Anticrepuscular rays (sunset) and Earth shadow
Petr Hykš:
Sunrise in the mirror