Petr Hykš:
Žabčice gravel pit - panorama
Petr Hykš:
Distant Pálava hills (jurassic & cretaceous limestone)
Petr Hykš:
The day we saw a beautiful sedimentary profile
Petr Hykš:
Sedimentary profile (quartenary fluvial gravel)
Petr Hykš:
Sedimentary profile (quartenary fluvial sands & gravel discordance)
Petr Hykš:
Sedimentary profile (quartenary fluvial sands & gravel discordance)
Petr Hykš:
Sedimentary textures in quartenary fluvial sands & gravel
Petr Hykš:
Rudice-type geode
Petr Hykš:
Zdeněk exploring the petrified wood
Petr Hykš:
Petrified wood found by Luboš
Petr Hykš:
Petr Hykš:
Petrified wood
Petr Hykš:
Ostrea? sp.
Petr Hykš:
Rhynchonellida gen. sp. brachiopod imprints & crinoid stems imprints
Petr Hykš:
Rhynchonellida gen. sp. brachiopod
Petr Hykš:
Paracidaris sp. sea urchin spine
Petr Hykš:
Rudice-type geode