National Library of Australia Commons: "Swan lake", Ballets Russes, [1].
to-mas: Together
sergeyloie: свет во мраке.....
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Portrait of a man in suit with waistcoat
monikamm: Julia
rathergrim: 20100216-DSC_1462
AAGCTT: Relativity
feIix: Kerstin
potopoto53age: Sleeping pretty friend (Screw Mount Leica IIIf)
potopoto53age: playful kitten (HASSELBLAD 500C/M)
unclesava: 000010_small
The Library of Congress: [Fossestuen Hotel, Trondhjem, Norway] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Fantoft Church, Bergen, Norway] (LOC)
isayx3: Typographer
Keely Yount: it's been a long year.
ramør: 10
prasad_mahale1: Street-n-Smart
Auré from Paris: Jardin des Tuileries - Paris