Hodaka Yamamoto: 早春のシルエット -silhouette in early spring
Paper Planes from the Aerie: Man with Two Camels
Hodaka Yamamoto: 擬態 -spring mimicry
Hodaka Yamamoto: 叫 -Sakebi
Hodaka Yamamoto: Avenue in the universe
Shirren Lim Photography: .reindeer people.
T.Yamashita: Beckoning cat 招き猫
Shirren Lim Photography: [civilization]
Shirren Lim Photography: .the horseman of Mongolia.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[in] communion ii.
Chad E Mason: Market Street Bridge - Steubenville, Ohio
TommyOshima: northern lights - I
Hodaka Yamamoto: 追想の部屋 -room of reminiscent
Paper Planes from the Aerie: Little Girl and a Horde of Pigeons
Paper Planes from the Aerie: Mother and Child
Paper Planes from the Aerie: Aura of a Hustler
Hodaka Yamamoto: 薔薇色のソナタ -sonata de rossa
Paper Planes from the Aerie: The Gardener Cometh...
Mariano Peccinetti Collage Art: Internal Rainbow II