pdxsafariguy: Mundo Perdido
Dr_jones79: Breakneck Hill Fox
Fournier Film Studios: hey, king! 2019
Zabooey: Tree and Geese
Cruz M. Vicente: La mochila roja / The red backpack
bumpplayball: Tufted Titmouse - Autumn 2019
ta92310: Praca de comercio [PT]
Anthony presley: In the Alley
f u oscar: Somebody Put Baby Doll in the Corner
Warren06: Salt River Canyon
Knee Bee: Aufstehen... die Arbeit ruft!!
Mike Hankey.: High Point
m-klueber.de: 20191026-029F
m-klueber.de: 20191026-039F
ponzoñosa: Gunnuhver
iwona_podlasinska: Piano lesson (in Buenos Aires)
p.mathias: All Saints' Church, Idmiston
Mars Observer ♂: White Castle
JH_1982: St. Mary's Cathedral, Krakow, Poland
reinaroundtheglobe: Panoramic Haarlem
m-klueber.de: 20191026-103F1
Estrella Chuang 心星: JAPAN~日本福島 只見線 第一鐵橋
delphinevacelet_exploration: URBEX - Villa Lost Bustes
m-klueber.de: 20191026-055F
ta92310: Ponte Vasco da Gama [PT]
Knee Bee: Silentium