MeL@2ndLife: Terrace
Ysé Ah: sabbath_03
Lilith Ivory: Ivory Goddess
anya kivert: lonely robot
Ysé Ah: on the sea 02
*:::Toko:::*: Lalita
Max Malick: night glow background
orpheus.kurosawa: night hunter
TonyD Miles: rei glam at style
αndrΩ: partheon depth
αndrΩ: Betty Tracer´s Rezzday
Lance Shields: Cosmic Color Space
SerenityVal aka Sere: Siren in Red
Ash .: Morrissey Lilliehook
Ash .: Dakotah
Doler Matova: Hallucinogen
Doler Matova: Green-ish
melaniekiddofsl: this pic came straight outta SL -- and it's in full color, didn't use the depth option
Rehula: Stop There!
*:::Toko:::*: SkyCat2
Kucinta Moody: kajira abygail Of Nine Wells