Krogen: Trondheim 1955: Voldsminde
Krogen: Trondheim 1956: Nordre gate
goldsardine: boy in color #606
tagli: IMG_3173
Marko_K: tuijotus
sniperkona: snow hawk
Franz *: Torres del Paine
Darlin': Gala
freebird4: Blue/Purple Flower?
Naylé: venezuela
smilebig4me1x: Peaches
IdaAaB: Blomst ved Bjorland huset
The Norwegian: bald eagle
andy kirkpatrick: DRU - CLIMBING ON THE N FACE
Renata Diem: Sunshine
Luís Louro: Lions-Namibia
Mr. Physics: Autumn Joy
christian wind: the day i started to believe in angels
ElseKramer: Posing Penguin - I
glediator: IMG_3606
glediator: IMG_2569
ElseKramer: Scarlet Ibis
fmorgen: Alien or not?