cacárea: "El culto a las paredes carbonizadas"
Drake DuCaine: 3ddporwa
bones!: London, Paris, Boston, Chicago and New York neighborhoods, overlaid respectively. fun challenge to make this into an abstract composition, thanks for working with me, Tris!
maria j. luque: Se puso lindo el día
Drake DuCaine: Drake DuCaine
Taborda / Inanis: Minarete (detalhe)
e l i a m a u c e r i: basilio d inverno
lidiaB*: O caramujo e a raposa - 田螺と狐
Madilworth: Lodge 441 / Old School on Google Earth
Madilworth: Oakdale pool
SlowPathsImages: The Philippines
Carolina Ciconet: A energia dos corpos cansados
Hibiki M.: we've come to a consensus
alumbrandome: melt.gif
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Chrysanthemum flower
the akirA project: Revisiting Yupo paper...this mornings session. Reflecting on the deeper nature of it all. " never mistake realization for understanding. Upon realization, go deeper with further realization" - Sogyal Rinpoche... how can anyone find life boring in this wa
myriorama: frozen lacewing