mithrandir3: Vulture Industries
AllHarts: Red-winged Blackbird
coffeeandfabric: Mixed Media Halloween themed canvas
HeadOvMetal: Zero Tolerance #64 has arrived after a long journey across the ocean! #Enslaved
HeadOvMetal: KING DIAMOND @ Fun Fun Fun Fest | 11.08.14
MoonlitStitches: Stitch and Flip
MoonlitStitches: Nesting Fabric Bowl
Stephen J Pollard (Loud Music Nature Lover): Moonrise - Salida de la Luna
Stephen J Pollard (Loud Music Nature Lover): Moonrise - Salida de la Luna
John&Fish: #929 小綠櫻迎
Kelli W: Bee blocks done early. WHAT?? Just for you @kldemare. Mailed them out yesterday. #thatstashbee
father TU: My different built way / Taipei
Ms. Peculiar: 10553373_10152251652241921_8447568602566098160_n trying to sew waves/Wellenübungen
svennevenn: Smiley
silort: S.W.A.K Enveope and stamps swap - received
smazoochie: On point or straight set?
jjjj56cp: 004e TN long-ears
judder1952: Sparrow Hawk takes a young Starling in the Garden Jacob's Sheep
M Z Malik: RUEPPELL'S LONG TAILED GLOSSY STARLING (Lamprotornis purpuropterus Rueppell)....NAIROBI NAT.PARK...OCT 2012
Magallanico 1960: Cernicalo 005c (falco sparverius cinnamominus) (austral kestrel) (halconcito colorado)