vickinerino: Painting sum more shit. IT'S A CHRIMBUS MIRACLE
vickinerino: Testing testing 1-2-3...
vickinerino: page 8
vickinerino: studio space
vickinerino: one day, the guy on a buffalo...
vickinerino: guy on a buffalo
vickinerino: bearded guy and his barren wife
vickinerino: enemy on a mule
vickinerino: good match, old spider friend
vickinerino: spider friends
vickinerino: comicsssss
vickinerino: the woman with two coyntes cover
vickinerino: crud #1 cover
vickinerino: thomson and thompson
vickinerino: Oh, look what I finished tonight!! #torontodrawstintin
vickinerino: 1st layer down and peeled... #torontodrawstintin
vickinerino: Meet the two newest members of the family... See you at Canzine this weekend!!
vickinerino: Back cover action. #comics #canzine
vickinerino: just two dudes
vickinerino: A little bit of lunch hour pencils #onecutebutt
vickinerino: True love and cigarettes are bad for you. #comics
vickinerino: You smug bastard...
vickinerino: Pencil pencil pencil... #comicscomicscomics
vickinerino: Working on some new sideshow my newest mini for canzine.
vickinerino: Summore underground dweller doodles...