vespa59: Moving to Oregon!
vespa59: Polar Bear Plunge
vespa59: Giants
vespa59: Brooklyn Bridge
vespa59: Highline Photobomb
vespa59: Keiran and Lindsay's Wedding
vespa59: Us, as Dinosaurs
vespa59: Giants, with Tawny and Chuck
vespa59: Weezer Concert
vespa59: Russian River
vespa59: Houseboat
vespa59: Bottle Rock, Napa
vespa59: Aloha!
vespa59: At Bender's with Rudy and Luna
vespa59: Goat Friend
vespa59: Coachella with Simon
vespa59: Coachella
vespa59: Coachella Slug
vespa59: Disneyland with Jess
vespa59: Adventures in Oregon
vespa59: Guys... WHERE ARE WE?
vespa59: Floatin' with Chuck and Tawny
vespa59: Floating
vespa59: With #tempdog Raylene
vespa59: Ridin' with Hapley
vespa59: Beach Watch with Luna
vespa59: Project Pabst
vespa59: New Friend at Faire
vespa59: Driving around Disneyland