Cyril Godissart: Martin-pêcheur
elficologue: 20190530_GLEN_IMGP5641
elficologue: 20190530_GLEN_IMGP6252
ewitsoe: The epic cycle and lyrical poem of getting home on time.
MontanaRoots (aka Craig): Digital spring
ewitsoe: Sip from the River Lethe
Mark Littlejohn: The Tree at Ousby
MontanaRoots (aka Craig): Fly away with me
MontanaRoots (aka Craig): Olympic Memory
Cyril Godissart: Coucher au lac
Valérie Falque: Dans l'ombre...
donlope1: Shining mushroom
laurent fiol: cocoon
vv.19533: DSC_0346
vv.19533: Pouillot véloce
vv.19533: Grenouille verte
vv.19533: Une phragmite des joncs juvénile
hlh 1960: VERSUNKEN IN NEBEL PA159923
florence.richerataux: Porst 50mm-1.4
florence.richerataux: HELIOS-44-2 58mm f/2
florence.richerataux: Fujinon-ebc-100mm f/2.8
florence.richerataux: primotar-135mm f/3.5
donlope1: Touching the sun
donlope1: Evening light
Thomas Delahaye: La Sentinelle
Franci Van der vyver (Carmen Tulum): Fall flowers in my window
libellsoph: Toile graphique