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albums of Vermont Historical Society
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Anything for Speed 2018
Roaring Twenties Party 2017
Vermont History Expo
Paul Sample Mural
History Expo 2016
Swallow; Misc Images
2013 Parades
Birthday Bash
Spaulding High School
Claflin; Other
Brattleboro, Vermont, 1975
Claflin; Ships
Claflin; Gold Mining
Claflin; Rivers, Streams, & Lakes
Claflin; Buildings
Claflin; Country Roads
Claflin; People
Claflin; Landscapes
Sawyer; UVM
Chapman; Nature Scenes
Chapman; Snow Scenes
Chapman; Buildings
Chapman; Logging & Sugaring
Chapman; Jamaica
Chapman; People
Chapman; Peru
Chapman; Hunting
Chapman; Dogs
Chapman; Townshend
Claflin; World's Fair
Chapman; Fairmount (Londonderry)
Chapman; Grafton
Chapman; Westminster
Chapman; Windham
Chapman; Transportation
Chapman; Reenactment
Chapman; Londonderry
Swallow; Transportation In Brownsville
Mowry; Willoughby Landscapes
Mowry; Westmore Buildings
Mowry; Lake Willoughby
Swallow; People
Swallow; Other Buildings
Swallow; Houses
Swallow; Rivers
Swallow; Pico Peak
Swallow; McKinley Stone
Swallow; Other Work
Swallow; Bridges
Swallow; Barns
Swallow; Activities
Swallow; Agriculture
Swallow; Ascutney Mountain
Swallow; Store and Post Office
Swallow; Brownsville Buildings
Swallow; Brownsville Panoramas
Rev. J. Edward Wright House
Air Corps at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt.
Taylor; Meetings and Presentations
Taylor; Roads in Mud Season
Taylor; Triangulations
Taylor; Road Construction and Dedications
Taylor; Trees: Removal and Planting
Taylor; Hillsides: "Raw" and Improved
Smith; Barre Buildings
Bristol; Revere Beach & Swimming
Taylor; Burlington and Lake Champlain
Taylor; Buildings in Disrepair / Clutter
Bristol; People Misc.
Bristol; Soldiers
Smith; People & Domestics
Smith; Misc.
Smith; Buildings & Structures
Taylor; Aviation
Smith; Circus Parade
Smith; Montpelier & Dewey Day
Taylor; Billboards and Signs
Taylor; Scenic Views / Rural Scenes
Unidentified Goodrich Stereoviews
Taylor; Green Mountain Club
Sawyer; Houses
Sawyer; Mount Mansfield
Sawyer; Mills
Sawyer; Brick Yard
Sawyer; Bobbin Shop
Sawyer; Sugaring
Sawyer; Camp Olympia
Sawyer; People
Sawyer; Fort Ethan Allen
Sawyer; Los Angeles
Sawyer; Essex, Vermont
Vermont History Center