Sunburst2001: Mille-pattes
oschene: Tristable Cylinder Collapse
Sunburst2001: Cétoine
oschene: Another Cylinder Collapse
bodorigami: Lemur
oschene: Poincaré Pleating, Against the Light
oschene: Poincaré Pleating
Ponadr: Bull, 2024
Ponadr: Parasaurolophus
ob猫~: Miko CP
oschene: Heptamerism
Michał Kosmulski: CfC and BOS conventions in Colchester
Ponadr: Sperm Whale
oschene: Twisting Down the Walk of Fame
Sunburst2001: Doppelgänger
Michał Kosmulski: Candy (CFW 289)
Michał Kosmulski: Woven Square Tessellation
Michał Kosmulski: MinBird II
Michał Kosmulski: Barnacles (top-down)
Michał Kosmulski: Barnacles
Sunburst2001: Vampire et cercueil gen.2
ob猫~: 耶芙娜
oschene: Benthic Isopod
Ponadr: Octopus
Michał Kosmulski: Origami Cookie Cutter
ob猫~: Pegasus CP
Michał Kosmulski: Holly (variant D)