VBWald (Vera): What? These tights are the latest fashion trend!
VBWald (Vera): Treehopper Hypsoprora - Taking a Walk
VBWald (Vera): Leafhopper Nymph
VBWald (Vera): I'm just a piece of straw ... believe me!
VBWald (Vera): "Formiga quando quer se perder cria asas"
VBWald (Vera): When in doubt ... stay away!
VBWald (Vera): Beautiful Monsters - Treehoppers (Slide Show II). Bocydium sp.
VBWald (Vera): Beautiful Monsters - Treehoppers -Slide show I
VBWald (Vera): No time to pose, I'm in a hurry!
VBWald (Vera): Katydid Nymph
VBWald (Vera): Don’t Always be the Center of Attention
VBWald (Vera): Afternoon Snack
VBWald (Vera): Hold on to me baby,I feel so unstable...my world is upside down.
VBWald (Vera): Excuse me? You are interrupting my beauty sleep.
VBWald (Vera): There should be speed limits!
VBWald (Vera): Warty Leaf Beetle
VBWald (Vera): Quick ... have paparazzi around!
VBWald (Vera): No jumping spider around? Ok .. So I can pose for a shot for a few seconds!
VBWald (Vera): Dance of the Lichen
VBWald (Vera): Clearwing Butterfly
VBWald (Vera): Aw Mom, babysitter's are for babies!
VBWald (Vera): The supporting players ... or be apprentices?
VBWald (Vera): And the Oscar goes to ...
VBWald (Vera): Leaf and hopper