venu prayag: Heading out for higher plains...
venu prayag: Adrift
venu prayag: Hiding the Guild of Engineers' Old Tech.
venu prayag: Outset Island
venu prayag: A breath of the wild.. πŸŒΎπŸ‚
venu prayag: Gwaihir
venu prayag: Life is strange and vast
venu prayag: "Lighthouse glimmering with aurora colors... "
venu prayag: Municipal Darwinism
venu prayag: A Christmas Comet, 46P/Wirtanen
venu prayag: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis.
venu prayag: Specks of stardust on a big rock.
venu prayag: S.T.A.Y.
venu prayag: The Great Lake
venu prayag: Gwaihir and the Eagles are coming
venu prayag: Oh hi Spring!
venu prayag: Minish Woods
venu prayag: Wouldn't be surprised to find an Inferi-infested cave out there.⚑
venu prayag: Thalia and Melpomene.
venu prayag: So even when clear skies seem so far away...
venu prayag: Sea reflections in the waves spark my memory.
venu prayag: When you wish upon a star.
venu prayag: Deep Field
venu prayag: I was happy here.
venu prayag: The world was fair, the mountains tall In Elder Days before the fall.
venu prayag: How wild it was, to let it be..
venu prayag: On the third morning, Caradhras rose before them, a mighty peak, tipped with snow like silver
venu prayag: One moon to bind the eye, One moon to guide them, One moon to draw them all..And against the deep dark of space, mesmerize them.