motoyoyogigiven: Video.MOV
motoyoyogigiven: Vienna by dusk.
motoyoyogigiven: Danishes are delicious in Denmark. But they're called "wienerbrod".
motoyoyogigiven: Hello Copenhagen.
motoyoyogigiven: Mammoth house at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna.
motoyoyogigiven: Lunchtime view by the Donau canal.
motoyoyogigiven: La Rocca - fortress in Asolo, Italy.
motoyoyogigiven: Blue mosque.
motoyoyogigiven: Lemon Possett
motoyoyogigiven: Ebenwald, Austria
motoyoyogigiven: More furry cuteness
motoyoyogigiven: Snarfing around for some food
motoyoyogigiven: Mangalitsa pig
motoyoyogigiven: Trying to figure out the hype around Starbucks holiday drinks!
motoyoyogigiven: A new espresso machine to replace the Pixie because of European voltage. This time around I had no resistance.
motoyoyogigiven: Saltery Bay
motoyoyogigiven: Gold Creek Falls
motoyoyogigiven: Top of the Chief!
motoyoyogigiven: Squamish
motoyoyogigiven: Care for an island picnic?
motoyoyogigiven: Dragonfly on bum
motoyoyogigiven: Snowbirds
motoyoyogigiven: Marching Mounties
motoyoyogigiven: only one thing on his mind
motoyoyogigiven: Leather couch Jarnac
motoyoyogigiven: Glass Table Jarnac
motoyoyogigiven: Christmas Jarnac