VEMPS: Boooo!
VEMPS: Mmmmmm....
VEMPS: Waaaaaa
VEMPS: U lookin at a billionairez! Thanx to those who beleived in me!
VEMPS: Strung outz on coffee and ninja Art! :p have a rad day u all!
VEMPS: Ninja hearts meooowz! :p
VEMPS: Yupz!
VEMPS: Um.....
VEMPS: Ninjas use All Doorz! Son!
VEMPS: Alley the cat! Only female I can trust! :p
VEMPS: Heres to bitches!
VEMPS: Ammmerrrica
VEMPS: Simunye!!!!! WE ARE ONEZ!
VEMPS: Boooomzzz
VEMPS: Enter Vemps world!
VEMPS: Fressshhhhh!
VEMPS: Love u allllz! All is beyond possible! Hold tight!
VEMPS: Be scared of greatness coming soonz :)
VEMPS: ”I Tired”
VEMPS: Laying trackz
VEMPS: Vemps cross! Will save Jewz!
VEMPS: Deee dudes!
VEMPS: Papa Smurf, leftz his condoms, laying around! :)
VEMPS: Booomzzzzz
VEMPS: Welcomez!!
VEMPS: Me and Alleyz the cat, good morning faces! :p doooooooooink!
VEMPS: Vemps stickersss, oldy and newz! Ninjjja! Have a beautiful day! :p
VEMPS: Mustaches on or off! Lolz
VEMPS: ” IM ALIVEZ ” lol, wow, I love waking up from being dead on FB.