vel.: portrait of Vladislav
vel.: portrait of P.H.Vlahov
vel.: portrait of Mikhail
vel.: me jane
vel.: my sister dy
vel.: my elise
vel.: and also the trees
vel.: the slow pulse boy
vel.: this beautiful silence
vel.: 6 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: 5 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: 4 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: 3 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: 2 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: 1 of 12 crumpled papers
vel.: лошите сънища не се случват, ако ги премълчиш до обяд
vel.: 5:15 the angels have gone
vel.: paeonias
vel.: three white and two smaller
vel.: things catcher
vel.: six different ways
vel.: 15 feet of pure white snow
vel.: this is your shadow on my wall
vel.: the books
vel.: the soup dishes
vel.: the gramophone
vel.: the telephone