labugambilia: reflexos na lagoa - To my dear flickr friends, happy Xmas!! :-))
Duarja: A redós del teu pas / In the shelter of your step
michaelrosenbaum: go away!!
michaelrosenbaum: sandhill crane
eah2009: snowfall
myu-myu: ヤマガラ  Parus varius
innerMt: varied tit
maguaphotos: Living-at--Canteras--Beach-211
maguaphotos: Alas-del-pensamiento-7
andre govia.: sanatorium Sv
raitana_mora: que entre la luz y que suene la música
michaelrosenbaum: crane in morning light
raitana_mora: ¡Feliz Navidad!
labugambilia: dois vestidos de papel de Analu Prestes
labugambilia: flores y bordados de Analu Prestes
Antonio de la Cruz Wildlife photo: Flora de Norteamerica, Kluane N.P. Yukon
New age Beatle: Crocothemis erythraea or Scarlet Dragonfly (I think)
T i s d a l e: Dawn Rays
Karina Diarte de Maidana: Botanochara macularia
Karina Diarte de Maidana: Espejitos / Gulf Fritillary
weirdcrank: Fence (with icing!)
paultnature: Don't Touch My Junco
eah2009: #318 365
eah2009: #319 365
eah2009: #317 365
b.probanza.: ...morning...
mo pena nom: ......
mo pena nom: with divali in mind..
mo pena nom: there..