NEW NEW 1ft5.5 inches long 1ft tall. Metal sign. Mixed media. 25$ comes with stickers and buttons. Dm me.
The homie @hornywizard got his set. What you waiting on. Packs of 3 buttons for 5$ on the site. Buy 2 packs get all 7 buttons.
Vedo beast coast canvas. 10.5" by 7.5". Mixed media. 20$ up on the site now.
GIVEAWAY. Contest ends tomorrow night at 10pm. Repost this with the hashtag #vedobuttongiveaway and my ig name for a chance to win buttons. 1st place wins all 7. 2nd and 3rd win a random 3 pack. GOGOGO
GIVEAWAY repost this picture with the hashtag #vedobuttongiveaway and mention my ig name for a chance to win all 7 buttons. 3 winners. 1st place winner wins all 7 buttons with some goodies and stickers. 2nd and 3rd place win a random 3 pack of buttons wit