Dhowells: Sunday
Dhowells: Gandolf
Dhowells: Cheer!!! What a great year!
Dhowells: Brussel sprouts and bacon w/chicken masala ... Happy new year!
Dhowells: DF
Dhowells: Darning fireball
Dhowells: Mount_olympus
Dhowells: IMG_5950
Dhowells: IMG_5947
Dhowells: IMG_5942
Dhowells: IMG_5937
Dhowells: IMG_5935
Dhowells: Lila and dada
Dhowells: Striking a pose.
Dhowells: Lila on the back steps helping the concrete grow.
Dhowells: Lila lookin' cute on her car
Dhowells: Front of the new house
Dhowells: Front of the new house
Dhowells: Lila Pearl
Dhowells: Snow on cedar near Vernal Utah
Dhowells: A Howells Thanksgiving
Dhowells: Giving Thanks
Dhowells: Snow and red rock near Vernal Utah, first snow.
Dhowells: Snow and red rock near Vernal Utah, first snow.
Dhowells: Snow and red rock near Vernal Utah, first snow.
Dhowells: Cheddar Bunny