mediaoleg: Sony 7RII Graphic variations "mushroom forest under the impression of Sumu"
Photokava: 1212_14_1000x700
jamie heiden: Warm Woolen Mittens
Photokava: 9119_3_1000x700
Photokava: 9119_27_1000x700
jamie heiden: Times Like These
Photokava: 9919_6_1000x1000
Photokava: 9919_12_1000x1000
jamie heiden: St. Patrick Kissed Her Twice
mediaoleg: Mamiya RB, Imagon 200 mm 6.3
LuchSveta: a boat
LuchSveta: 5 хвилин після.../5 minutes after..
Blue Mountain Institute Ukraine: Транспортные развязки Тяньцзиня на севере Китая, ночью с высоты птичьего полета. Фото: People's Daily #china #architecture #китай #архитектура #дизайн
the unbearable brightness of seeing: a portrait of the artist as a free man