Steve Schwartz: IMG_0611
Steve Schwartz: 2012 7 7 mlk fITNESS cAR wASH (69) crop
Steve Schwartz: 2012 7 7 mlk fITNESS cAR wASH (63)
Steve Schwartz: 2012 7 7 mlk fITNESS cAR wASH (56)
Steve Schwartz: 20122 7 4 DSC03750 COMP VER B fl warp.
Steve Schwartz: James Rollinger DSC03624
Steve Schwartz: Doglas and Deborah DSC03605
Steve Schwartz: 2102 7 4 DSC03703
Steve Schwartz: 2012 7 4 DSC03681
Steve Schwartz: 2012 4 7 DSC03731
Steve Schwartz: 4th 2012 comp
Steve Schwartz: Ernie Isley plays his Atlantsi in Tacoma 2012
Steve Schwartz: Ron Isley is Old 2012 Tacoma Isley Bros Kim Concert (372) crop
Steve Schwartz: 2012 Tacoma Isley Bros Kim Concert (362) Ron Islkey crop
Steve Schwartz: The Guitar Play Ernie 2012 Tacoma Isley Bros Kim Concert (437)
Steve Schwartz: DSC00633 gregoire st Obama rally MLK Church
Steve Schwartz: DSC00583 Obam Mtg at MLK memeorial singer
Steve Schwartz: Darci at Netroots
Steve Schwartz: 2012 Tacoma Isley Bros Kim Concert (495)
Steve Schwartz: 2012 5 8 Dronking Liberally Ziva Chris and Bill (2) crop
Steve Schwartz: 2012 5 8 Dronking Liberally (4)
Steve Schwartz: Romney gets KISS DSC03432
Steve Schwartz: obama 1
Steve Schwartz: Neil DSC00454
Steve Schwartz: Joel Connely 2012-04-12 NW Progressivews Cantwell Adam Smith (33)
Steve Schwartz: Kucinich Seattle
Steve Schwartz: hillary 2016
Steve Schwartz: Goldstein Havii
Steve Schwartz: 2012 Tollycraft Pike Place Market (17)
Steve Schwartz: 2012 TACOMA MOG PSYC (49) lady in Starbucks