Kiosco del parque central de Santiago de Puriscal / Central Park Kiosk, Santiago de Puriscal
La antigua iglesia parroquial de Santiago de Puriscal, desde el kiosko/ The former parish church at Santiago de Puriscal, from the bandstand
El parque del Agricultor desde arriba, Santiago de Puriscal/ The Farmer's park (central park) at Santiago, Puriscal municipality
La maravillosa iglesia patrimonial de Pedernal, distrito Candelarita, Puriscal/ The wonderful heritage-gazeted church at Pedernal, Candelarita district, Puriscal municipality
Dos edificios declarados patrimonio, el Palacio Municipal de Puriscal y el antiguo templo parroquial de Santiago/ Two heritage-gazeted buildings: the Puriscal town hall and the former Santiago parish church
Otra de la antigua iglesia parroquial de Santiago de Puriscal /Another one from the former parish church, at Santiago, Puriscal municipality
Iglesia, declarada patrimonio, de Barbacoas de Puriscal / Heritage-gazeted church at Barbacoas, Puriscal municipality
Parque del Agricultor, en el centro de Santiago de Puriscal /The Farmer's park, at the center of Santiago, Puriscal municipality
La iglesia patrimonial de San Pedro Apóstol, Pedernal, Candelarita de Puriscal/ The heritage-gazeted church of Saint Peter Apostle, at Pedernal, Candelarita district, Puriscal municipality
Ruinas del tiempo: la antigua iglesia parroquial de Santiago de Puriscal, dañada por los terremotos de 1990-1991/ Ruins of time: the former parish church at Santiago, Puriscal municipality, damaged by the 1990-1991 earthquakes
La maravillosa iglesia patrimonial de Barbacoas de Puriscal. Abril de 2017 / The wonderful heritage-gazeted church at Barbacoas, Puriscal municipality, April 2017
Detalle, kiosco del parque del Agricultor, Santiago de Puriscal / Detail, bandstand at the Farmer's market, Santiago, Puriscal municipality
La bella iglesia patrimonial de Pedernal de Puriscal/ The beautiful heritage church at Pedernal, Puriscal municipality
Edificio patrimonial de la municipalidad de Puriscal, con la antigua iglesia parroquial al fondo/ Heritage-gazeted building of the Puriscal municipality, with the former parish church in the background
Detalle, iglesia patrimonial de Pedernal de Puriscal / Detail, heritage-gazeted church at Pedernal, Puriscal municipality