La vida que se expande, casi al atardecer. Entre la antigua municipalidad, el parque Vargas y la antigua capitanía de puerto/ Life that expands, almost at dusk. Between the old City Hall, Vargas Park and the old Port Authority
The shed of memory. A memory of a wonderful cultural space that George E. Grant has promoted in what were once the buildings of the United Fruit Company, in Limón
Rodando sobre el cielo azul y las olas violeta. 1° de julio, 2017/ Rolling on the blue sky and the violet waves. July 1st, 2017
Carroza en fiesta. Marcha de la Diversidad 2023. 25 de junio, 2023/ A float on a party. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023. June 25th, 2023
In Prides there are many feelings in the air, but joyous friendship and authenticy are some of the ones I notice more. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022, the first one that there was after the declaration of the pandemic.
Recuerdo de la Marcha de la Diversidad 2024, con una de las personas más chivas que conozco, Luis Diego. 30 de junio, 2024 / Memory of the San José, Costa Rica Pride 2024 with one of the greatest people I know, Luis Diego. June 30th, 2024
El edificio de Correos y Telégrafos, uno de los tesoros patrimoniales más importantes y hermosos de Limón/ The Post and Telegraph building, one of the most important and beautiful heritage treasures of Limón
Un poste en el cruce de una calle y una avenida, testigo de la gran parte de la historia de alrededor de 150 años de Limón/ A post, at the crossing point of a street and an avenue, witness of a great deal of the 150 years of history of Limón
El leve descenso del Caribe hacia la noche. Julio de 2017/ Slow descent of the Caribbean towards the night. July, 2017
Junio de 2017, recuerdo. Muchas lunas han pasado, desde entonces/ June, 2017. A memory. Many moons have passed, since
Alas al vuelo. Marcha de la Diversidad 2024/ Wings in flight. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2024
Verdaderos colores. Marcha de la Diversidad 2022/ True Colors. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022
Part of the representation of the Frente Amplio political party at the San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023. Profetic words and their unwavering, unposed support is really thanked.
Tesoros incidentales de las calles de Limón/ Incidental treasures from the streets of Limón
La serenidad pasando su peine pacificador sobre recuerdos largamente rumiados. Junio de 2017/ Serenity passing its pacifying comb over long-ruminated memories. June 2017
Un día despertándose, allá en Cocles. Junio de 2017/ The waking up of a day, there in Cocles. June, 2017
Portrait with Cecilia, my hostess at the place I was lodged at in Puerto Viejo. July, 2017. So much water has passed under that bridge, for me
A pesar de los vientos que soplen. Marcha de la Diversidad 2024 / In spite of the winds that may blow. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2024
Mensajes veredes. Marcha de la Diversidad 2023 Messages thou will see. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023
Marcha de la Diversidad 2022. Retrato de Juan José y amistades del gremio artístico/ San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022: Portrait of Juan José and friends from the artistic sector
Los vestigios de los tiempos de otros...y los nuestros/ The vestiges of other's...and our times
Conjunción primaria. Casa de la Cultura de Limón. Enero de 2021/ Primary conjunction. Limón Cultural Center. January, 2021
casa. Enero de 2021. Foto tomada por Juan José/ Picture witth my dear friend, Claudio, in a Chinese restaurant att Limón, shortly after going back home. January 2021. Picture by Juan José.