vantcj1: Los vestigios de los tiempos de otros...y los nuestros/ The vestiges of other's...and our times
vantcj1: Conjunción primaria. Casa de la Cultura de Limón. Enero de 2021/ Primary conjunction. Limón Cultural Center. January, 2021
vantcj1: casa. Enero de 2021. Foto tomada por Juan José/ Picture witth my dear friend, Claudio, in a Chinese restaurant att Limón, shortly after going back home. January 2021. Picture by Juan José.
vantcj1: Marea baja en Cocles. Julio de 2017/ Low tide at Cocles. July, 2017
vantcj1: Luces, texturas y sombras, recuerdo de Puerto Viejo, junio de 2017/ Lights, textures and shadows, a memory of Puerto Viejo. June, 2017
vantcj1: Marcha de la Diversidad 2022: Después de después de la tormenta/ San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022: After the After of the Storm
vantcj1: Marcha de la Diversidad 2024: Retrato de Josepa y un buen amigo de él/ San José, Costa Rica Pride 2024: Portrait of Josepa and a good friend of his
vantcj1: Marcha de la Diversidad 2023. La concentración posterior, en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023: the con concentration after the march, in the La Sabana metropolitan park
vantcj1: Esa vieja Yunai/ That old Yunai (United Fruit Company Ltd.)
vantcj1: Conforme las luces se apagan/ As the lights go out
vantcj1: Esperando su regreso/ Awaiting its return
vantcj1: Serenidad, necesaria serenidad / Serenity, necessary serenity
vantcj1: El poder de las olas en Miss May Point, Manzanillo/ The strength of the waves at Miss May Point, Manzanillo
vantcj1: La desembocadura del río rojo/ The mouth of the red river
vantcj1: San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023: the release of the balloons. As someone with an environmental conscioussness, they don't particulary please me. But that they are a visual show, they are. Hope they find an alternativa.
vantcj1: Diverse narratives, unthinkable some years ago, though they still may face harsh resistance from their hierarchy
vantcj1: Marcha de la Diversidad 2022: selfie antes de su inicio, con mi querido tocayo, Esteban/ San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022: selfie before its start, with my dear namesake, Esteban
vantcj1: El suave aliento de la vida, asomándose sobre el Tajamar/ The gentle breath of life, peeking over the cutwater
vantcj1: Former Cariari Hotel, Limón, from 1910, initially built as a branch of a British bank and which had a wide variety of uses over the decades. Now waiting for a use that will bring it back to life
vantcj1: Un recuerdo de una escapada de fin e inicio de año, para salir de la opresión de la ubicua pandemia/ A memory of a New Year's Eve getaway, to escape for at least a few days from the oppression of the ubiquitous pandemic
vantcj1: Vivimos inmersos en belleza. Protejámosla/ We live immerse in beauty. Let's protect it
vantcj1: Vital adaptation, Gandoca. Beaches are not only for looking nice or taking some sun, but are complex ecosystems
vantcj1: View of Manzanillo beach, towards Uva point. This is the coast section where are located some wetlands that a certain minister has literally wanted to erase from the maps, to favor some well-connected owners
vantcj1: Sonrisas sobre el Arco Iris. Marcha de la Diversidad 2024/ Smiles on the Rainbow. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2024
vantcj1: Más inclusión. Marcha de la Diversidad 2022/ More Inclusion. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2022
vantcj1: Gente esperando. Marcha de la Diversidad 2023/ People waiting. San José, Costa Rica Pride 2023
vantcj1: The stately onlook. The building of the former Costa Rica Pension, built in 1905 and designed by César Rivaflecha Zavala, one of the buildings that adorns downtown Limón, a city I know will get back to better times
vantcj1: A una ventana y un rostro de distancia. Enero de 2021/ A distance of a window and a face from... January, 2021
vantcj1: Acercándose a desenmascarar al monstruo que asusta/ Getting close to unmask the monster that scares
vantcj1: Arena, mar turquesa, un bosque vital, en la tierra codiciada/ Sand, a turquoise sea, a vital forest in the sought-after land