In the picture, view of Quiribrí or Uvita Island (where Christopher Columbus set foot on in 1502) and Vargas Park from the breakwater
Acercándose a desenmascarar al monstruo que asusta/ Getting close to unmask the monster that scares
A una ventana y un rostro de distancia. Enero de 2021/ A distance of a window and a face from... January, 2021
The stately onlook. The building of the former Costa Rica Pension, built in 1905 and designed by César Rivaflecha Zavala, one of the buildings that adorns downtown Limón, a city I know will get back to better times
Un recuerdo de una escapada de fin e inicio de año, para salir de la opresión de la ubicua pandemia/ A memory of a New Year's Eve getaway, to escape for at least a few days from the oppression of the ubiquitous pandemic
Former Cariari Hotel, Limón, from 1910, initially built as a branch of a British bank and which had a wide variety of uses over the decades. Now waiting for a use that will bring it back to life
casa. Enero de 2021. Foto tomada por Juan José/ Picture witth my dear friend, Claudio, in a Chinese restaurant att Limón, shortly after going back home. January 2021. Picture by Juan José.
Conjunción primaria. Casa de la Cultura de Limón. Enero de 2021/ Primary conjunction. Limón Cultural Center. January, 2021
Los vestigios de los tiempos de otros...y los nuestros/ The vestiges of other's...and our times
Tesoros incidentales de las calles de Limón/ Incidental treasures from the streets of Limón
Un poste en el cruce de una calle y una avenida, testigo de la gran parte de la historia de alrededor de 150 años de Limón/ A post, at the crossing point of a street and an avenue, witness of a great deal of the 150 years of history of Limón
El edificio de Correos y Telégrafos, uno de los tesoros patrimoniales más importantes y hermosos de Limón/ The Post and Telegraph building, one of the most important and beautiful heritage treasures of Limón
The shed of memory. A memory of a wonderful cultural space that George E. Grant has promoted in what were once the buildings of the United Fruit Company, in Limón
La vida que se expande, casi al atardecer. Entre la antigua municipalidad, el parque Vargas y la antigua capitanía de puerto/ Life that expands, almost at dusk. Between the old City Hall, Vargas Park and the old Port Authority
Gente disfrutando el mar, playa Bonita/ People enjoying the sea, Bonita (beautiful) beach
El antiguo Palacio Municipal y la antigua Capitanía de Puerto de Limón, desde el también patrimonial Parque Vargas/ The former City Hall and the former Port Authority of Limón, from the also heritage-designated Vargas Park
Testimonies from Limón's interesting past, exhibited at George E. Banks cultural project. The image shows the old hospital, radio towers and the railroad at Limón, 1923
The tower of the old cathedral (the only thing that remains from it, as it was irremediably damaged at the terrible 1991 earthquake) and the interesting and luminous new cathedral, from architect Raúl Goddard